Antonio Maurizi began life as a master shoemaker as an 11-year-old apprentice growing up amidst the economic devastation wrought by World Wa...
Antonio Maurizi began life as a master shoemaker as an 11-year-old apprentice growing up amidst the economic devastation wrought by World War Two. Eventually he founded his own eponymous company and used the traditions he learned as a boy to create timeless, elegant men's footwear. Having invested decades of time reflecting on design fuelling his passion for innovation. The footwear embodies quality and art represented in craftsmanship. Simple traditions that are refined into elegance…
Made in Marche, Italy with 100% Italian components. All materials are sourced directly in Italy where they are assessed for quality of excellence and environmental impact.
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"Revolution, in the world of elegant men, is a long walk towards the future,” Maurizi once wrote. Luckily for you, the designer's high-quality shoes will help you complete that journey in ultimate comfort and style.
Dedicated in bringing you the finest handmade italian shoes, artisan footwear and accessories. Traditional craftsmanship, innovative designs, premium materials & constructions. Shop in our Melbourne and Sydney boutiques or online.